Cathy Gregg (California Central Coast Photographer and National Storm Chaser) shares how the weather is actually going through changes that have been going on naturally for eons and the scientific evidence proving that our weather patterns have done this before. It’s time to adapt instead of blame.Cathy Gregg’s father earned his merit badge for weather in the Boy Scouts at the age of 12. For the last 70 year his love for weather data taught him to teach all of his kids at a very young age about his passion.

Cathy took to it at the age of five and has gained most of her knowledge in the last 30 years by studying various data weather patterns and even doing her own forecasting. She has a huge Facebook following that appreciate her weather knowledge of the Central Coast. Along with her forecasting she heads out to Arizona every year for storm chasing the monsoon and into the High Plains to chase supercells and tornadoes. Cathy has learned her forecasting from some of the best in the business and this has increased her knowledge and credibility in the field of weather. Cathy has learned her forecasting from some of the best in the business and this has increased her knowledge and credibility in the field of weather.

On another note for the past 5 years she has been studying sunspots in the Arctic & Antarctic ice plus earthquakes and volcano patterns.  She states that every year she learns something different which is quite exciting!

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