When we don’t take care of our homeless, we deprive ourselves of being a kind human being.

When we don’t care of people who don’t look like us, we deprive ourselves of being a kind human being.

When we don’t take care of animals, ALL ANIMALS, we deprive ourselves of being a kind human being.

When we don’t take care of our precious environment, we deprive ourselves of being a kind human being.

But when we don’t take care of our most important asset in the world (our children) we deprive ourselves of being the kind of human beings we wish to see in the world.

So where did we go wrong and begin to separate ourselves?

I began doing anti-bully assemblies in elementary schools after realizing that I had been emotionally wiring the phrase I’m not good enough my whole life and I didn’t want any child to create that same illusion.

Problem is, people were coming up to me all the time asking “But how can we help the adults who are teaching our children to be hateful, unkind and bullies?”. 
Sadly at the time I said “the wiring of some adults is too far gone to reach unless they want change. They too are suffering from the not good enough syndrome and unfortunately passing it forward.

But today I believe that adults do want change, they just don’t know how to get started or what to do.

As Maya Angelou said “When we know better we do better”

And I’ve added “But if we don’t know better how can we do better”? 

I want to help you by finding informative videos and short articles that can give you essential tools to begin. I’ll be interviewing people locally as well.

As an adult who slowly began to wake up from the illusion of believing that I was not enough, I know it can be done. It’s just knowing where to begin.

Below is an attached article with 5 Scientific Ways to Change Emotional Habits. I’ll be breaking each one down in more video blogs so stayed tuned. This is an exciting time and the BEST time to start is now!

Article Link:  https://www.bustle.com/articles/165306-can-you-rewire-your-brain-5-scientific-ways-to-change-emotional-habits